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Showing posts from November, 2010

Getting ready for second floor - Érik a második emelet :)

It's been a while since I wrote anything here, but the life hasn't stopped...only for a couple of days at Thanksgiving:) How interesting it is that "big things" always happen when we are about to go somewhere (summer vacation, trip to San Diego and now our traditional Thanksgiving family get-together). Before we headed out to Half Moon Bay the last Tuesday morning, the big crane arrived and all the big beams were put up on top of the first floor. So now the workers can start working up there...The house is getting higher and higher...I'm afraid we're going to block the view from the neighbors :) But we'll have the best view in the neighborhood. I can picture myself sitting on the balcony and enjoying the great panoramic view of the mountains...But we're not there yet...:)  Egy ideje nem irtam a blogra, de az élet nem állt meg azóta sem...csak egy pár napra, Hálaadáskor. Milyen érdekes, hogy a "nagy dolgok" (értsd: látványos:-) mindig akkor ...

First floor is getting in shape - Alakul az első emelet

The first floor is almost done..well, at least the framing:) it's exciting to see how fast the walls have been put up. In about 2 or 3 days almost all the walls are up, the only one missing is the one with the arched windows on the North side of the house. Dave gave me some brochures and I've got my homework to do: choose windows and now I'm studying vinyl windows, exterior and interior doors...styles, shapes,, my head is starting spinning:) Az első emelet majdnem kész, legalábbis ami a falakat illeti :) Izgalmas látni, milyen gyorsan felhúzzák a falakat. 2-3 nap alatt elkészültek vele, már csak az északi oldalon levő oldal hiányzik, ahol a boltives ablakok lesznek. Dave adott nekem egy jó pár prospektust, és megkaptam a házi feladatom: nyilászárók kiválasztása:) szóval most bőszen tanulmányozom a bel-és kültéri ajtókat, ablakokat, anyagok, stilus, forma...ajaj, a fejem már kezd szédülni..:) View from the kitchen - Kilátás a konyhából Po...

Speeding up:) Belehúzunk :)

Wow, I've got to catch up, because things are speeding up here:) My guess for the entire floor to be finished up in a few days turned out to be an underestimation, since it's actually been finished in a day! That's impressive! Not only was the floor finished, they also worked on the stairs into the basement, and now we don't have to use the ladder to climb down, if we want to look around, but can go on the stairs. They did a great job on that. When we looked around downstairs, it looked great, and huge :) What a difference it makes to have a 10" ceiling! It makes the basement look much bigger and spacious. All we need to figure out is the interior design :) Ajaj, bele kell húznom, mert a dolgok kezdenek felgyorsulni :-) Alábecsültem, hogy a teljes padlózat elkészitéséhez pár napra lesz szükség, ugyanis egy nap alatt elkészült! Lenyűgöző! Nemcsak a padlót fejezték be, de a basementbe levezető lépcsőn is goldoztak, igy már nem kell létrán lemásznunk, ha körül akaru...

Garage floor's done! Elkészült a garázs padlózata

Another step closer....we've got the garage floor done ( or basement ceiling)! It's good to see the progress, and how Dave's crew is working on our house. As I told Dave the other day, I didn't really like Mondays in the past, knowing that the whole week is still ahead, and the weekend is so far....but now I kinda like Mondays, because after a "long" weekend when they're not around, the crew is back and back to work...:) So yesterday I was talking to Dave and he said they'd probably be done with all the floors by the end of next week, and then they can start working on the framing of the first floor..and I was like, "so when is the concrete coming?" Since I'm from Europe, I can't imagine a house, especially floors, without solid concrete:) Dave started laughing and pointed to the floor saying, "hey, this is'll have concrete on the driveway". OK, I trust them, they know it better than I do...:)) Just in case,...