...so today's accomplishment is this: the blocks have been delivered, the crane arrived on time and the blocks are being lowered into the basement area just right now. Not bad...Good thing it is "just" 95F today. ...szóval a mai nap eredménye: a betontégla megérkezett (nem is tudom, téglának illik-e nevezni:), a daru is itt volt reggel időben, és most éppen pakolják a raklapokat a basementbe...jó kis munka...szerencsére ma már "csak" 35c-os meleg van..
Házunk épitésének nagy "kalandja".Szivesen veszem, ha megosztod a te véleményed, tapasztalatod, vagy csak be akarsz köszönni a blogra:) Building a new house is not only exciting but a lifetime experience. It can build or ruin relationships. It can have an impact not only on my life but on those around me. I've decided to share my thoughts and experience with my friends and family during this period. Hope you all will enjoy:) Feel free to comment, share your similar experience or just say hi.