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Showing posts from March, 2011

Slowly but surely....Lassan de biztosan...

My apologies...3 weeks have gone again without any post. As I mentioned earlier, things have slowed down, and- I'm being honest - it's getting mentally harder to see weeks go by without any progress...Well, that's not really true:) There is some progress:) But I owe you guys the explanation of this delay:) So, first, and foremost, we had to figure out how to get another loan to finish our project. Thank God and the generosity of Wayne's parents, we're on the way to get an HELOC (Home equity line of credit), so if everything goes smoothly and without any delay, we should be able to have access to that money in about 2-3 weeks. Another "sort-of-delay" is that my hubby is the most meticulous engineer I've ever met:) You won't believe this, but he's been working on the arch windows for at least 6 weeks. (The radius of the arch windows were not specified on the original plan). I understand that he wants to design the nicest possible custom made arc...

Roof is done - Elkészült a tető

It seems to me that things have kinda slowed down recently, but it doesn't mean there is no progress at all :) We finally decided on the roof color, which is terracotta, and now we can enjoy our nice new roof. It was put up in a day, yay! The plumbers and electrician are still working inside, and if we can order the 2 bath tubs for the kids bathroom and for the master bath in a couple of days, then Lee, our plumber can install them this weekend. Fingers crossed:) By the way, I've learned something new again: about bath tub materials. Now I know what are the pros and cons of cast iron and acrylic/fiberglass bath tubs. Haha, I'm getting a DIY expert - sort of (since it's not really a DIY project:)) Úgy tűnik nekem, hogy a dolgok kicsit lelassultak mostanában, de ez nem azt jelenti, hogy egyáltalán nincs haladás. Végre eldöntöttök a tető szinét, terrakotta, és most már élvezhetjük a szép új tetőnket:) Egy nap alatt felrakták, hurrá! A vizvezeték- és villanyszerelők még...