I hope that from now on I can upload more posts, more pictures and more often:) Fingers crossed:) We have a tentative date for rough inspection for November 14th, which means that all the framing that left and rough electrical (mainly in the kitchen and bathrooms) have to be finished. Also, the bath tubs are going to be installed, and main AC unit connected and tested. We had several guys working on different tasks today. It was so good to see all of them around the house:) The garage door has finally arrived and got installed, as well as the AC unit on the roof. So, we are making progress. Remélem, hogy mostantól kezdve több posztot, több képet és gyakrabban tölthetek fel:) Drukkolok. November 14-re van egy (még nem végleges) időpontunk, ennek a fázisnak az ellenőrzésére. Ez annyit jelent, hogy addigra be kell fejezni a még hátralevő ácsmunkákat, az elektromos vezetékeket (főleg a konyhávan és a fürdőszobákban). Emellett a fürdőkádakat és a lékondicionáló berendezést is be kel...
Házunk épitésének nagy "kalandja".Szivesen veszem, ha megosztod a te véleményed, tapasztalatod, vagy csak be akarsz köszönni a blogra:) Building a new house is not only exciting but a lifetime experience. It can build or ruin relationships. It can have an impact not only on my life but on those around me. I've decided to share my thoughts and experience with my friends and family during this period. Hope you all will enjoy:) Feel free to comment, share your similar experience or just say hi.